Mindaugas Bastys

MP Bastys sees prosecutors decision as politcal retribution

The decision taken by Lithuanian prosecutors not to open a probe against him shows the political retribution attempts in the parliament, says MP Mindaugas Bastys. […]

The Seimas Hall

Scandals that are swinging the Parliament: hiding their own?

Party representatives vigorously call to investigate suspicious activities of their opponents, but when their own colleagues are sinking in suspicions and scandal begin to consider that perhaps the opponents are trying to cover up their […]

Mindaugas Bastys and Irena Šiaulienė

SocDems to vote against conclusion that MP Bastys acted against Lithuania’s interests

The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP), the junior partner in the ruling coalition, will not support a parliamentary committee’s conclusion that Mindaugas Bastys, a member of the LSDP political group in the Seimas, acted against the interests of the Lithuanian state by maintaining close and constant contacts with representatives of Russia’s state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom. […]

Mindaugas Bastys

MP Bastys won’t step down even if probe finds he poses threat to National security

Mindaugas Bastys, a member of the Social Democratic political group in the Seimas, says that he does not intend to step down as a lawmaker even if a parliamentary probe finds that his actions pose a threat to national security. […]