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Polish daily criticizes Prime Minister Butkevičius’ intention to dismiss Lithuania’s energy minister

The Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza has reported on Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius‘ intentions to dismiss Energy Minister Jaroslav Neverovič, who was delegated to the Cabinet by the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA) party. […]

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Hitachi says all Baltic states must join Visaginas NPP project for it to work

Japan’s Hitachi says the memorandum signed with Lithuania is a good first step towards building a nuclear power plant, but the project is a regional one, therefore it is of crucial that other partners join in as well. […]

Energy Minister Jaroslav Neverovič

Lithuania and Hitachi moves on with nuclear power plant project

The Lithuanian Energy Ministry and Japan’s nuclear technology corporation Hitachi, the strategic investor in a new nuclear power facility in Lithuania, are planning to set up a joint venture for the Visaginas nuclear power plant project. […]