Butkevičius and G. Landsbergis

ELECTIONS campaign funding – parties’ coffers

The largest warchest for the current election has been gathered by the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP) with a large portion being funds endowed from the state budget. The Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union (LVŽS) […]

Vytautas Nekrošius

ELECTIONS. Economics. Nekrošius: the Liberals are as stable as McDonalds

On the evening of September 13 a political debate featuring the top five largest Lithuanian parties was broadcast on LRT Television. The topic of the debate – economics. The debating parties were the Lithuanian Social […]

Vladimiras Laučius

ELECTIONS 2016. Economics. Laučius: SocDems and Conservatives had the strongest showing

On the evening of September 13 a political debate featuring the top five largest Lithuanian parties was broadcast on LRT Television. The topic of the debate – economics. The debating parties were the Lithuanian Social […]

Seimas current

SocDems, Peasant Union, Conservatives top popularity polls

Lithuania’s Social Democrats, the Peasant and Green Union, and Conservatives top the country’s popularity polls, shows he latest survey conducted for delfi.lt news portal. […]