The influence of friends not advertising was the biggest reason why Lithuanians chose to consume alcohol, a new survey by public opinion and market research company Sprinter tyrimai shows.
67% of respondents said that they have drunk alcohol for the first time under the influence of their friends, 12% of respondents were influenced by their families and 10% consumed alcohol for the first time for celebratory reasons.
None of the respondents said that commercial advertising had encouraged them to try alcohol for the first time in their lives.
Festive occasions were the main reasons given to consume alcohol by 40% of respondents, 36% of respondents often consume alcohol as a part of communication, 13% – to relax and 8% – in order to pamper themselves. Only 3% of respondents identified commercials as a reason to consume alcohol.
When buying alcohol 40% take their friends’ advice, 14% are influenced by advertising and 12% are influenced by packaging.
The majority of respondents acknowledged that commercials have determined or changed their decision when choosing a product of alcohol or a different brand: 37% of respondents purchased the advertised product while planning to buy another brand name or alcoholic beverage in the same category and 15% acquired other categories of alcoholic drinks than planned.
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