Photo courtesy of the Lithuanian Embassy in Sweden
Foreign affairs

Foreign affairs and security experts discussed 2014 NATO Summit decisions in Lithuania’s embassy in Stockholm

The Embassy of Lithuania in Stockholm – NATO Contact Point Embassy in Sweden – in cooperation with Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and British Embassy in Stockholm organized the working dinner in order to discuss the implications of 2014 NATO Summit decisions in Cardiff for the Baltic Sea Region, for Europe and for the Trans-Atlantic Relations. […]

Photo courtesy of the Lithuanian Embassy in Stockholm
Global LT

Seminar in Stockholm – on 2014 NATO summit decisions and implications for Baltics, Europe and Trans-Atlantic relations

Addressing the participants of the conference, organised by the Swedish Atlantic Council, the Embassy of Lithuania in Stockholm and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on 1 October, Lithuanian Ambassador to Sweden Eitvydas Bajarūnas welcomed the decisions adopted in Cardiff and stressed the necessity of their urgent and smooth implementation. […]

Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin
European Union

Association Agreement with EU – victory for Ukraine or Russia?

“It’s a historic moment,” was the reaction when Kiev and Brussels ratified the Ukrainian-EU Association Agreement on Tuesday. However, celebration might be somewhat premature, since Moscow, eager to keep Ukraine within its own sphere of influence and away from the EU, has won significant concessions. […]

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Opinion: NATO promises to Russia? Which promises?

Alea iacta est. NATO has agreed on the formation of a special ‘spearhead force’ (officially: Very High Readiness Joint Task Force) that, if necessary, will offer the eastern member states (additional) protection against Russia’s imperialist whims. After twenty years of peace keeping operations and crisis management on the Balkans and in exotic places further away, the alliance will refocus on its original task, as anchored in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty: collective defence. […]

No Picture

How long could Lithuania resist open military aggression?

As Russia is engaging in an undeclared war in eastern Ukraine, people in the Baltic states follow developments in Donbass with anxiety, while their leaders work around the clock to ensure that similar scenarios could not be repeated in their backyards. Still, “what would we do if Russia attacked Lithuania?” has become a question regularly discussed in political meetings, lecture halls and pubs. […]

Mečys Laurinkus

Russia has declared different war on Baltic states, says former State Security Department chief

The abduction of Estonian Security Police (KaPo) officer Eston Kohver last Friday was a message by Russia to the Baltic states and Poland timed to coincide with the NATO Summit, says Mečys Laurinkus, former chief of Lithuania’s State Security Department (VSD). […]

NATO summit in Wales

NATO to create “spearhead” rapid response force to be deployed in Baltics

NATO leaders in Wales have agreed to create a “spearhead” rapid reaction force with several thousand troops ready to deploy at short notice, the BBC reports. […]