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Vilnius rearranged traffic lights for independence day

To celebrate the Day of the Restoration of Independence on March 11, Vilnius changed the arrangement of traffic lights from the usual red-yellow-green to yellow-green-red, the colours of Lithuania’s national flag. […]

Vytautas Landsbergis

‘We need to stand together as Lithuanians against Belarus nuclear plant’ – Landsbergis

The Restoration Parliament Chairman Vytautas Landsbergis has called on all Lithuanians to unite in opposing the Astravyets nuclear power plant being constructed in Belarus in his speech to mark February 16. […]

Saint Petersburg
Global LT

St. Petersburg Lithuanians already preparing for 100th anniversary of Lithuanian state

The Consulate of Lithuania and the Lithuanian community in St. Petersburg are already preparing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Lithuanian state, in 2018. […]

Library of Congress Lithunian Regaining Independence Celebration  Photo Ludo Segers
Global LT

US Library of Congress hosts Lithuania’s 25th anniversary of independence celebration

On Wednesday, the prestigious Library of Congress in Washington DC turned out to be the perfect backdrop to start the 25th anniversary celebrations of the reinstatement of Lithuania’s independence on 11 March 1990. Close to 200 dignitaries turned up, including Professor Vytautas Landsbergis, Linas Linkevičius, the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rokas Masiulis, the Minister of Energy, and Congressman Michael Turner of Ohio. Among the dignitaries were also the Deputy Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Andriy Parubiy and the former Georgian President, Mikheil Saakashvili. […]

Nationalist march on 11 March 2014

Nationalists plan march on Lithuania’s Independence Day

On 11 March, when Lithuania is celebrating its Independence Day, the Lithuanian Nationalist Youth Union and the Lithuanian Nationalist Centre will hold a march along Vilnius central street from the Cathedral to the parliament building. […]