KGB Archive

New documents on KGB activities in Lithuania published

The Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Centre has published documents from the Special Archives about KGB‘s activities between 1974 and 1985. […]

From an exhibit on the Roma in the Holocaust

Genocide research centre may publish list of suspected Lithuanian Holocaust collaborators

The Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania (LGGRTC) has announced that it may publish a list of individuals who had worked in police institutions during the Nazi occupation of Europe. This would amount to a list of individuals who may have contributed to the Holocaust in Lithuania, though it would not be clear in what capacity they may have collaborated. […]


President’s office calls for caution in publishing lists of KGB collaborators

Chief advisor to the Lithuanian president on foreign policy, Jovita Neliupšienė, says that the names of people who voluntarily admitted their collaboration with the KGB may be revealed only after the situation is thoroughly analysed. […]

No Picture

Edward Lucas: Russia is winning

I have been dealing with European security for more than thirty years, as an activist during the Cold War, as a journalist, and at think-tanks1. […]