Lithuanian start-ups at the Seed Forum seminar

Lithuanian start-ups presented at the Seed Forum seminar in Stockholm

Lithuanian start-ups took the spotlight in an innovation seminar on 22 September in Stockholm, organized by the international investment Seed Forum together with consultation company DLA Nordic and the Lithuanian Embassy in Sweden. […]

International transport conference in Stockholm “Business Opportunities and Logistic. Scandinavian and Eastern Europe case”

International conference in Stockholm discusses transport opportunities for Scandinavia and Baltics

On September 10th an international transport and logistics conference took place in Stockholm. On the initiative of the Lithuanian Embassy in Sweden, the conference was organized by Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications, JSC Lithuanian Railways, port of Klaipėda, Turkish-Swedish business association Sweturk and International Swedish Freight association. […]

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Foreign affairs

Lithuania to appoint new ambassadors to Ukraine and Czech Republic

The Lithuanian government on Wednesday backed the appointment of Marius Janukonis, director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs‘ Eastern Neighbourhood Policy Department, as the country’s ambassador to Ukraine. Diplomat Edvilas Raudonikis will be appointed as Lithuania’s ambassador to the Czech Republic. […]

From left to right, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Security Policy Department Deputy Director Malgorzata Kazmierski, Swedish Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist and ambassador Eitvydas Bajarūnas
Foreign affairs

Lithuania transferred NATO Contact Embassy in Sweden functions to Poland

On 28th January 2015, the Embassy of Lithuania in Sweden and the Embassy of Poland in Sweden jointly hosted the event to mark the transfer of duties of the NATO Contact Point Embassy from the Embassy of Lithuania to the Embassy of Poland. Event took place at the Residence of the ambassador of Lithuania. Lithuania held NATO Contact Embassy in Sweden functions in 2013-2014. […]

Discussion at Lithuanian Embassy in Stockholm
Global LT

Lithuanian embassy in Stockholm holds discussion about historical memory

On 13 November, the Embassy of Lithuania in Stockholm in cooperation with the Swedish Lithuanian youth community and Ukrainian student representatives organized a discussion about historical memory. The focus of the event was to discuss the importance of historical memory, commemorate the victims of totalitarian regimes and to draw attention to current political developments in eastern Ukraine. […]

Photo courtesy of the Lithuanian Embassy in Sweden
Foreign affairs

Foreign affairs and security experts discussed 2014 NATO Summit decisions in Lithuania’s embassy in Stockholm

The Embassy of Lithuania in Stockholm – NATO Contact Point Embassy in Sweden – in cooperation with Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and British Embassy in Stockholm organized the working dinner in order to discuss the implications of 2014 NATO Summit decisions in Cardiff for the Baltic Sea Region, for Europe and for the Trans-Atlantic Relations. […]

Photo courtesy of the Lithuanian Embassy in Stockholm
Global LT

Seminar in Stockholm – on 2014 NATO summit decisions and implications for Baltics, Europe and Trans-Atlantic relations

Addressing the participants of the conference, organised by the Swedish Atlantic Council, the Embassy of Lithuania in Stockholm and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on 1 October, Lithuanian Ambassador to Sweden Eitvydas Bajarūnas welcomed the decisions adopted in Cardiff and stressed the necessity of their urgent and smooth implementation. […]