Lithuanian fishing vessel

Russian court fines captain of detained Lithuanian fishing ship
A court in the Russian city of Murmansk on Friday slammed the captain of the detained Lithuanian fishing vessel, the Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf), with a fine of 4 million roubles (around EUR 59,000), representatives of the ship’s owner, Arctic Fishing, told BNS. […]

Murmansk court orders additional evaluation of detained Lithuanian ship’s catch
A court in the Russian city of Murmansk has ordered additional evaluation of the catch of the detained Lithuanian fishing vessel, the Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf), and is due to announce its decision in an administrative case on a violation of the country’s fishing rules next week. […]

Lithuania’s foreign minister: NEAFC shall compensate losses from fishing vessel’s detention by Russia
The North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) is responsible for the detention of a Lithuanian fishing vessel, the Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf), in Russia and should be required to compensate the losses involved, Lithuania’s foreign minister believes. […]

Lithuanian agriculture minister refers to new European commissioner over detained ship
Minister of Agriculture Virginija Baltraitienė has referred to the new European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries seeking for the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) to take responsibility for the detention of Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf). […]

Russian court adjourns hearing of Lithuanian fishing vessel’s case
A Russian court on Friday adjourned the hearing of the case of Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf) detained by Russia in September, the owner’s lawyer Vladimir Odiagailo told BNS on Friday. They case will be heard again in a month. […]

NEAFC might be responsible for Lithuanian fishing vessel’s detention by Russia
The North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission, accountable to the European Commission, might be to blame for the detention of a Lithuanian fishing vessel in Russia as it failed to provide in time information about changes in the boundaries of Russia’s special economic zone, Lithuania’s Ministry of Agriculture said on Thursday. […]

Russian court substantially reduces bail for Lithuanian ship
Russia‘s Murmansk court on Thursday reduced the bail for the release of the arrested Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf) three times, from 113 million roubles to 36.6 million rubles (EUR 2.1m to 0.7m), lawyer for the shipowner Vladimir Odiagailo confirmed to BNS. […]

Lithuanian ship detained by Russia to be discussed on international level
North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) will meet for an extraordinary sitting on Wednesday; one of the issues to be discussed is the Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf) that has been detained by Russia. […]

Lithuanian fishing vessel’s case to be handed over to court in Russia
The case of the Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf) detained by Russia will be handed over to court next week. […]

Lawyers appeal against bail set by Russia for Lithuanian shipping vessel
Lawyers representing owners of the Lithuanian fishing vessel arrested in Russia have filed an appeal with a court of higher instance against a bail of 7.8 million litas (EUR 2.3m) set by a court. […]

Brussels calls extraordinary NEAFC meeting over Lithuanian shipping vessel detained in Russia
The European Commission (EC) calls to convene an extraordinary meeting of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) over the Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf) detained in the Russian port of Murmansk. […]

Russia unresponsive to Brussels calls to release Lithuanian fishing vessel
The European Commission, which is helping Lithuania to establish the circumstances of the detention of a fishing vessel by Russian officials, has not received any response from Moscow to its inquiries, Lithuania’s Agriculture Minister Virginija Baltraitienė says. […]

Foreign Minister Linkevičius tells US media that Russia is financing propaganda in Lithuania
Russia’s attempts to destabilize the Baltic states are increasing and it is financing propaganda inside the country, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said in an interview to BuzzFeed News. […]

European Commission working on release of Lithuanian vessel held in Russian port
The European Commission continues its efforts to obtain the release of Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf), a Lithuanian fishing vessel detained in the Russian port of Murmansk. […]

EU urges Russia to release arrested Lithuanian vessel
The European Union (EU) is concerned by the Russian decision to arrest the Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf) and demands that it be released without delay, reads a communiqué published on Tuesday. […]

Russian court ruling on Lithuanian vessel due next week
A Russian court ruling on releasing the Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf), now in the Russian Port of Murmansk, on bail is due next week, the lawyer for the ship owners says. […]

Administrative charges brought against captain of fishing vessel arrested in Russia
The Lithuanian fishing vessel detained in Russia has been placed under arrest, with administrative charges brought against its captain, Lithuanian diplomats said on Thursday. Lawyers have requested that the ship be released on a bail. […]

Crew of Lithuanian ship detained by Russia safe, Foreign Ministry says
Lithuania’s Consul in St. Petersburg Vytas Babravičius has met with the crew of the Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf) fishing vessel that was detained by Russia. The crew are safe and not in danger, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. […]

Lithuanian government turns to European Commission over detained ship
The Ministry of Agriculture has informed the European Commission‘s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries about the Lithuanian fishing vessel Jūros Vilkas (Sea Wolf) that was detained by Russia. […]