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Innovative Vilnius: from teleportation stops to 3D holograms

Capital – a city of creating people: having announced a competition for innovation for those who have unique ideas on how to innovate the city’s public spaces, the municipality received as many as 30 applications and projects. The commission already selected the 4 strongest projects, which will be implemented as soon as by the end of this year. The city allocated a total of EUR 200 000 for this competition, a Vilnius city municipality press release states. […]

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Lithuanians flood their country with hundreds of rainbow flags as police investigate homophobic arson attacks

In response to a series of seemingly homophobic arson attacks in Vilnius, Lithuania, the Lithuanian LGBT community are importing hundreds of rainbow flags and distributing them for free around the country. Participants in the campaign are defiantly displaying the flags on balconies and in windows, sharing photos with the hashtag #LGBTdraugiškaLietuva (LGBT friendly Lithuania). […]

Photo by Vitalija Ramanauskaitė

Expatriates in Vilnius held ‘Lithuania lovers’ independence day march

Foreigners residing in Vilnius organized a small march of their own to celebrate Lithuania‘s Independence Day on March 11. […]

Vilnius City Municipality

Parties weigh strategies and options before mayoral run-offs in Vilnius

After local elections in Lithuania last Sunday, the new Vilnius City Municipality Council will include 38 male and 12 female councillors. The Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania and the Russian Alliance Block of Valdemar Tomaševski delegated four women, the Liberal Movement, three, the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), two, and the remaining parties that were voted in will have one woman representative each. […]