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President calls for stepping up prison system reform

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė on Monday called for stepping up reforms in the country’s prison system after meeting with Elvinas Jankevičius, a candidate for justice minister. […]

Pravieniškės penitentiary

Whistleblower accuses deputy justice minister of stalling audit of prisons system

Rasa Kazėnienė, former employee of the Lithuanian Prisons Department who is currently working at the Justice Ministry, has accused Vice-Minister Raimondas Bakšys of aiming to stall the audit of the prisons system. […]

Milda Vainiutė

Changes looming? Social Democrats lash out against their own minister

Having had Milda Vainiutė appointed Minister of Justice, the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP) appear to have started regretting the decision. TV3 News has announced about the party’s representatives criticising her, with even mentions of […]

Lukiškės prison

Prisons modernization on for 10 yrs, but with no substantial results

Lithuania does not have a clear and consistent strategy for modernizing its penal facilities. The modernization process has been ongoing for more than 10 years now, but no substantial results have been achieved, the National Audit Office (NAO) said. […]