Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

Do we conduct our foreign policy in line with the US or with Putin’s Russia?

Last week’s news that, for the past two years, the Government led by Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius has been covertly negotiating a draft Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration at the United Nations caused quite a stir in Lithuania. The turmoil following the revelation of this fact has not subsided yet. Interestingly, none of the Seimas committees in charge of foreign policy and national security have been informed about the negotiations. The reason behind this was obvious. Both publically and behind closed doors at a meeting of the Seimas Committee on Foreign Affairs, government members failed to provide answers to some of the essential questions: why do we have to approve this questionable agreement and who has decided that Lithuania supports it? […]

French troops in Mali
Foreign affairs

Fourth rotation of Lithuanian troops to leave for UN-led operation in Mali

A fourth rotation of Lithuanian troops are leaving for the UN-led stability operation MINUSMA in Mali on Friday, the Defense Ministry said. […]

UN General Assembly
Foreign affairs

Lithuanian president leaves for UN Week in New York

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė is leaving on Tuesday for New York City to attend the annual United Nations General Assembly and to hand a Lithuanian state award to the late Senator John McCain over to his widow. […]

Ukrainian flag
Foreign affairs

Lithuania allocates EUR 50,000 in humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Lithuania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday said it had allocated 50,000 euros in humanitarian aid to Ukraine. […]

International Yoga Day 2018

Jurgis Didžiulis: ‘To me, yoga is an art of self-improvement’

On May 21, ‘Yoga for Everybody’, a public presentation of the International Yoga Day, took place right next to the Vilnius Town Hall. The International Yoga Day itself will be celebrated in Vilnius, as well as the rest of the world, a month later, on June 21. Yoga is becoming increasingly popular in many countries. The celebration of the International Yoga Day, which is officially approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations, is organized by the Consulate of India and its partners. The main goal of this annual celebration is to draw people’s attention to yoga’s benefits on the physical, mental, and spiritual healt of the human being. […]