FLTR Goda Raibytė, Professor Juozas Vaitkus and Steven Goldfarb a CERN scientist

Lithuanian robot to address Future of Life Seminar

Nao, a friendly looking robot from Lithuania’s Robotikos Akademija, will be the guest of honour at the Future of Life Seminar on the occasion of the European Business Network 10th anniversary event. The seminar will take place in Vilnius’ Kempinski Hotel on 21 September. In addition to the robot, some of Lithuania’s leading scientist will explain how progress in science and technology will affect our daily lives in the near future. […]

No Picture

Minimum wage to be raised by more than EUR 10 in January – PM

Lithuania’s minimum monthly salary will be raised by more than 10 euros next January, from the current 380 euros, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said on Thursday. […]

Kaunas Jesuit Church

Alfonso Salmerón, the First Jesuit in Vilnius

The Spaniard Alfonso Salmerón (1515–1585) was one of the closest companions of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, and he played an active role in the affairs of the order in its early life in Paris and later in Italy. Salmerón and Loyola met at the Sorbonne in 1536, where they were studying theology. Not long afterwards, with a few other friends, they founded the Society of Jesus. […]

Ben Hodges

US Army Europe commander to come to Lithuania

Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, the US Army commander in Europe, is coming to Lithuania on Thursday to discuss the security situation in the region. […]

ZAPAD 2017 visualisation

Zapad exercise scenario revealed – Lithuania as a peculiar named aggressor

“Weishnoria”, “Lubenia” and “Besbaria”. Such are the odd names of the made-up aggressor countries in the released Russian-Belarussian military exercise Zapad scenario. While the Kremlin and Minsk are ardently assuring that this is only a […]