7 Marketing Trends You Need to Know to Succeed in 2021

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Marketing is one of the sectors that profoundly felt the upheavals of 2020. As business struggled through entirely new patterns of customer behavior, many took this as an opportunity to rebrand their image. Today, the marketing landscape has been reshaped by lifestyle changes and technological advancements of last year.

In other words, digital marketing as we know it is going through a huge transformation. And companies have to revamp their strategies to set sails for the future. Here are seven digital marketing trends to look out for in 2021.

1.   Virtual Experiences Will Stay

Last year we saw many industries choosing paths outside the conventional sales tactics. Virtual events dominated all sectors – for networking, entertainment, and consultations. Even students are still increasingly choosing online platforms to get essay help on the service EssayHelp.com instead of hiring tutors. The takeaway is that these virtual approaches prove to be more convenient and accessible for the current social norms.

As such, marketers should focus on enriching the user experience online through these virtual strategies. There has to be an omnichannel experience that allows smooth navigation from one platform to another.

2.   Shoppable Posts on Social Media

People have taken to social media not only for entertainment but also for research and their purchasing decisions. In 2020, SproutSocial survey revealed that 46% of Instagram users bought products promoted to them through sponsored posts.

It is only the beginning of the rise of social media as a business platform. In the near future, the network is expected to explode as a medium for eCommerce sales. There will be more features that offer easier integration with your online store. This will allow customers to make purchases without leaving the app. It is even possible that businesses could sell exclusively on social media channels.

3.   Personalization to the Next Level

ECommerce stores already nudge customers to buy more based on their shopping carts and search history.

However, in the future, informed consumers will be looking for even more advanced personal shopping experience. They would expect brands and stores to understand what their preferences were based on their previous shopping patterns.

As clients are consciously sharing data when they engage with your sites, they would want the site to reflect their taste at any given moment. Marketing calendar example could be also very helpful. If brands and websites continue to collect the first-party data from consumers, they will have to come up with meaningful ways in offering consumers the perfect user experience on the site. This could mean predicting what the customer wants to see next and shop next.

Group analysis. From Freepik

4.   Voice Search

With people spending a large portion of their time at home, they have also become more reliant on smart home technologies. If you have been hesitant to work on voice search, it is high time you started. More and more users prefer to talk to their search bars rather than to type. This is not only restricted to AI assistants but also goes for smartphones and laptops.

The strategies for voice search and text searches are different. So if you want to stay ahead of the competition, it is necessary to get your SEO for voice search sorted out. If not, you might be losing more of this organic market share.

5.   The Battle Against Ad-Blockers

In 2021, 27% of internet users are expected to have installed ad-blockers on their computers. This will cut off a significant source of revenue for both marketers and their clients. This might not affect every traffic stream you have set up. But it is not something that can be entirely neglected.

Of course, marketershttps://underconstructionpage.com/marketing-tricks-for-tech-students/ will find ways to surpass ad blockers. Many websites already require visitors to disable their ad-blockers or subscribe to the platform to get access to their content.

6.   Evolving Roles of Brand Ambassadors

The political movements have tremendously influenced how brands engage with consumers. Companies are looking for authentic and value-driven content. This trend is likely to persist next year as well.

Many brands know that reach does not always mean influence. As such, brands are focusing on actual customer influence in their new influencer partnerships. The campaigns should also reflect the current coronavirus concerns and economic realities that most people face at the moment.

7.   Expect a Cut in Marketing Budgets

The slowing down of revenue in the previous year is likely to reflect on 2021 as well. Marketing departments can expect budget cuts or even smaller teams. However, experts suggest that this will not fare well for the companies. If they pull back the marketing efforts, especially in this customer-driven environment, businesses will fall further behind.

The digital transformation we are going through is the best time to rebrand your business and solve any issues you already have. Companies have to position themselves to get the most out of this online engagement to come out stronger in the end.

To Sum Up

In 2020, the pandemic-induced necessity will transform how customers interact with brands. Consequently, marketers came up with innovative solutions to connect with audiences.

This change in strategy has led to the reinvention of many brands. In 2021, we will see a continuation of these changes. Marketers should strive to provide hybrid audience experiences across all communication channels.

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