Ministry of Foreign Affairs

WTO members should not take organization for granted, says foreign affairs deputy

At the Tenth WTO Ministerial Conference on 17 December in Nairobi, Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Raimundas Karoblis urged WTO members not to take the smoothly functioning multilateral trade system for granted. Karoblis emphasized that all WTO members, the world’s largest economies in particular, must comply with the WTO’s rules and fulfil the obligations they have undertaken, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports. […]

Bankas "Snoras"

Bank Snoras property sold on eBay

Bankruptcy administrator of bank Snoras has taken an unexpected step in order to sell property of the bankrupt bank as effectively as possible. Snoras’ movable property was put on sale on e-commerce website eBay. Used electronic devices and computer equipment will be sold on the globally popular website. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė
European Union

Grybauskaitė to discuss energy, border protection and UK’s reforms with EU council

On Thursday, 17 December, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė will travel to Brussels to attend a European Council meeting and discuss additional measures to manage the migration crisis, including the setting up of a European Border and Coast Guard. European leaders will also exchange views on how to strengthen the EU’s energy union and will address EU reforms proposed by the United Kingdom, the presidency said. […]

Shale gas bore

Lithuania’s Constitutional Court rules fracking is OK

The Constitutional Court of Lithuania ruled on Wednesday that hydraulic fracturing waste can be buried underground. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė

President Grybauskaitė to sign 2016 budget, though reluctantly

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė says that she is going to sign the 2016 budget, endorsed by parliament last week, into law, although it has been criticised by the European Commission and the National Audit Office. […]

Boxer IFV

Lithuania picks German Boxer IFVs for EUR 400m armament upgrade

Lithuania will open talks with German manufacturers over to purchase Boxer infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) for the country’s military, the State Defence Council (VGT) decided on Friday. […]