Presidential candidates

These presidential elections will be different: intrigue awaits

The nearing presidential elections will be rather different to the past two. In 2009, there was a clear leader and a second round wasn’t even needed, while in 2014 a second round did happen, but there was very little intrigue, writes. This time, however, things will be interesting – it will definitely be a new politician, who will arrive in Daukantas Square. Will this bring about greater voter turnout? […]

Vytautas Gapšys

Bad news from the courtroom for V. Gapšys

On Tuesday, the Lithuanian Court of Appeals rejected Vytautas Gapšys defence attorney’s complaint, which requested the withdrawal of restrictions on the accused, a written pledge to not leave the country, a press release states according to […]

Agrokocnernas headquarters

Agrokoncernas responds to LRT investigation

In response to LRT information on the situation over “Farmer” leader Ramūnas KarbauskisAgrokoncernas‘ import of fertiliser, the company published a press release on Monday. It states that supposedly “there are attempts to draw the company into political games.” According to the company, state institutions, lacking real answers regarding EU sanctions, are transferring responsibility to businesses, writes. […]

Presidential candidate debate

Presidential candidate debate: candidates split into two groups

On Thursday, the first major presidential candidate debate was organised at Vytautas Magnus University (VDU). Following the debate, the portal asked experts for their views on the candidates’ performance. VDU professor Algis Krupavičius saw there being two groups of candidates, while Vilnius Institute of Political Analysis Medias Programme head Donatas Puslys stated that some candidates were fortunate to have good performances. […]

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Punishments for minor felonies to be lessened: community service could apply

It has been proposed that lesser punishments such as house arrest or community service would be set for minor penalties. According to Minister of Justice Elvinas Jankevičius, this would not only reduce the likelihood of repeat offences, but would also save taxpayer money, writes. […]

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Founding and operation conditions for civic electoral committees should be more similar to parties’ – political scientist

With a third more civic electoral committees aiming to participate in the municipal elections than during the last, Seimas Speaker Viktoras Pranckietis has stated that the conditions for establishing and operating parties should be simplified or made alike those of the committees. Political scientists believe otherwise – that committee founding and operation conditions should be made more akin to parties, whose accountability to voters is greater, writes. […]

Algirdas Butkevičius, Juozas Bernatonis

Social Democrat Labour seek a president: A. Butkevičius mentioned as a potential candidate to his own surprise

The Lithuanian Social Democratic Labour Party could back the presidential bid of Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis if he chose to run for president, however the party is also considering the candidacies of Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius and former Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius, LSDDP member Juozas Bernatonis told A. Butkevičius himself assures he is only considering participating in the European Parliament elections. […]

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Retirement pension rises 7%

With January arriving, pensioners will see an increase to their pensions. Some of them will have their pensions delivered not by Lithuanian Post staff, but new pension carriers. Changes also await those enrolled in pension funds. All those enrolled will be making payments from their wage, while those unwilling to participate in the pension accumulation system will have the right to opt out within half a year, writes. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė

D. Grybauskaitė congratulates Lithuania with the New Year: many challenges await in 2019

President Dalia Grybauskaitė delivered her annual New Year’s Address. According to the head of state, an extraordinary, historic year has ended and challenges both within the country and on the international arena await in 2019, writes. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė

President signs referendum law amendments

President Dalia Grybauskaitė signed amendments to the referendum law on Thursday, writes. […]