Baltic synchronization with EU electricity networks top EC priority – Canete

DELFI / Audrius Solominas

The Baltic countries‘ electricity network synchronization with the EU is a top priority on the European Commission‘s agenda, said Arias Canete, Commissioner for Climate and Energy in an informal meeting of energy ministers in Amsterdam.

At the meeting Lithuanian Vice Minister of Energy Aleksandras Spruogis emphasised the importance of Baltic synchronization with European networks and underlined the damage that the Astravyets Belarusian nuclear power plant could inflict on the EU electricity market.

“I have to emphasize that the connections are only one side of the coin, the other os synchronization of the member states’ power systems. In this context, it is essential for the Baltic countries to disconnect from the IPS / UPS systems and synchronize with European networks,” said Spruogis.

Spruogis also emphasized that efforts to improve the EU’s internal markets and increase and integration renewable energy sources could be seriously disrupted by electricity imports from third countries that have access to the EU market.

“A specific example of such a threat is the construction of a nuclear power plant in Belarus without compliance with international nuclear safety, security requirements and environmental standards. The electricity will flow to the EU electricity market and disrupt sustainable electricity production in the EU,” said Spruogis.

The theme of the informal meeting of energy ministers was the EU‘s new electricity market model. The European Commission intends to present its proposals on the model later this year.


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