Chinese delegation visits Lithuanian dairies

They will be presented with Lithuania’s state food and veterinary system; the Chinese delegation will also discuss possibilities of exports of Lithuanian agricultural products.

According to Lithuania’s State Food and Veterinary Service (VMVT), particular attention will be paid to exports of Lithuanian dairy products.

The Chinese delegation will visit two local dairy companies – Kauno Pienas (subsidiary of Pieno Žvaigždės AB) and Kalvarija branch of Marijampolės Pieno Konservai UAB. The experts will also discuss issues related to beef and live cattle exports.

“Contacts with the competent Chinese institution were established back in May 2011, however, only this June, following Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius’s meeting with high-level representatives of China, an export approval process sped up. Yet another visit of Chinese dairy experts to Lithuania is planned in September. In a month after the visit, an audit report will be drafted, prior to preparing and drafting a relevant protocol and approving veterinary certificates,” says Dr Jonas Milius, head of the VMVT.

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