Social Democrat (LSDP) honorary chairman Aloyzas Sakalas makes no effort to sugarcoat his words. He has stated that after such election results Algirdas Butkevičius should resign as party chairman.
“During Butkevičius’ term the Social Democrats have become a rightist party, while there are already sufficiently many rightist parties in Lithuania. I would recommend someone from the youth, it carries more promise than someone of my age,” states A. Sakalas.
Social Democrat patriarch Česlovas Juršėnas is dissatisfied with the outcome of the election as well. Meanwhile veteran party member Bronius Bradauskas urges the party to follow the successful example of the Conservatives and give more opportunities for young politicians.
“I believe that renewal is mandatory. Say those of my generation need to go, others take younger people, it gives positive results. It is time for us to look to the young generation as well, we have talented individuals, young people could be party chairmen,” says B. Bradauskas.
Not all members blame the PM. Evidently there is no-one who could take Butkevičius’ place. Social Democrat campaign manager Algirdas Sysas says that there is nowhere to hurry. When the time comes to elect a new chairman, the party will decide who should continue leading it.
“After a loss, party leadership has to take responsibility. I will do so, as the campaign manager, but first we have to finish the elections, another two weeks,” says Sysas.
Poll data suggested the LSDP would take first place in the election. Their popularity deteriorated due to the so-called golden fork scandal and the earlier scandals regarding Vijūnėlė manor and cauliflowers.
“One time they blame the President, another – the news media, I think that you can only blame one person – the Prime Minister, who did nothing until the last day when he did one good thing – passing the Labour Code. Now everyone thinks he lost due to the code; I believe that the code was too little too late to expect to stay in power,” stressed journalist Rimvydas Valatka.
After the lost election, Labour Party chairman Valentinas Mazuronis and his counterpart in the Order and Justice Party resigned from party leadership.
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