Mr. Andriukaitis said: “It looks strange when Lithuania’s officials announce they are not going to cooperate with Russia to fight terrorism, while [US President Barack] Obama, [UK Prime Minister David] Cameron, [French President François] Hollande, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [German Chancelor Angela] Merkel are discussing on how to cooperate.
“How does Lithuania’s position look in that context? Ask the president how she will communicate with Obama, Hollande, Merkel and Cameron? Maybe the president is going to freeze diplomatic relations with Russia and France? If the stance is so strict, maybe she could at least make it fully logical?”
Mr. Andriukaitis also expressed support to EC President Jean-Claude Juncker’s position on deeper cooperation between the EU and the Eurasion Economic Union headed by Moscow.
Lithuania’s Foreign Affairs Minister Linas Linkevičius was not happy with Andriukaitis’s remarks. He said: “According to Lithuania’s Constitution, the key foreign policy desicions are made by the president and not the food safety commissioner – and thank God for that. That does not change our position.”
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