KTU Executive School: Tailor-made competences for business

Lauri Koponen

Wednesday 28 January Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) will launch the first Business Breakfast event for Lithuanian entrepreneurs in Scandinavian-style.

During the Business Breakfast the representatives of different businesses will have the opportunity to expand their business network, and to exchange good practices. Minna Hiilos from Aalto University (Finland) will introduce one of the best in the world Executive Education programme. The event is free of charge.

According to Koponen, the number of participants exceeds all expectations: the Business Breakfast will be attended by more than 40 businesspeople from all across Lithuania. Many of them are representatives of foreign investment companies.

Business Breakfast is quite a new concept in Lithuania. How did you come across the idea to organise it at KTU?

This practice is common in my native Finland and other Scandinavian countries. The idea behind such breakfast is that business executives are usually too busy to acquire new knowledge and skills needed to upgrade their managing competences. Therefore, informal meetings where the participants exchange their good practices are perfect solution for this problem. If a business breakfast topic is related to your field of interest, you will definitely find an hour or two in your schedule.

Such events are very useful because one doesn’t need to invest loads of time for studying and the time spent would be exclusively dedicated to their business and its challenges. Of course, all discussions are business related.

The main thing is that people don’t need to sacrifice their free time. Today business breakfast is a pleasant and useful habit among businessmen.

What is in it for the University?

These events are useful for both business and university. In my opinion, higher education in Lithuania is somewhat distanced from practice and some businesspeople think that universities lack flexibility and innovative ideas.

The biggest advantage of Business Breakfast at KTU is its form: it’s not a boring academic conference or discussion. The short programme, informal style and focusing on specific recommendations are characteristic for such events.

We will be able to show business the possibilities of collaborating with KTU, and we will find out about the business needs ourselves. The businesspeople will be able to use the opportunity to expand their network of possible partners.

Business Breakfast is being organised by KTU Executive School. Why would somebody having a successful business need knowledge provided here?

If you are successful in business, the time will come when you start to think about other meaningful endeavours. After mental check-up of life achievements you will ask yourself what you have learned from past experiences and what goals you need to achieve further. Usually people having such a mindset wish to develop their leadership and managing skills which could make their business more successful. KTU Executive School offers such education.

A middle aged businessman or businesswoman will not need to spend four years of their life in the university classroom among students half their age. They will acquire the specific tools necessary for the development of their business.

KTU Executive School is offering tailor-made competence suits for every business man. Such a ‘suit’ is made to fit individual measurements of everyone and fits like a glove.

We also have programmes for professionals lacking managing skills. For example, in Finland these programmes are popular among physicians or engineers who are willing to climb corporate ladder, but are lacking leadership competences.

The guest speaker at the KTU Business Breakfast is Aalto University representative.

Being Finnish I am inclined to share Scandinavian experience. Hence the first Business Breakfast with Aalto University and their introduction of the one of the best in the world Executive Education masters programme.

We see the need for this programme among Lithuanian businesses: to acquire decent education Lithuanian executives travel to London or other countries which is expensive and time consuming. With Aalto partnership we are able to offer high quality education in Kaunas. Finnish were encouraged to collaborate with us by the popularity of their programme among Lithuanians. As far as I know, we have quite a few Lithuanian entrepreneurs studying in this programme in Finland.

KTU Executive School Business Breakfast will take place on Wednesday January 28 at KTU Competence Centre for Food Research and Technology (Radvilėnų Rd 19). For more information please visit ktu.edu.

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