With prices of top industry events and consultants running into the thousands, the free-to-attend Pillar Unconference is designed to offer an affordable, crowd-sourced alternative to network and explore this exciting technology in a city that has positioned itself as a hub of decentralised tech.
Unconference means the agenda and content is shaped by attendees. Every evening there is a vote on how the next day will evolve without committing months in advance to promote flexibility and encourage engagement.
Here’s what can be learnt from world’s top blockchain experts and crypto natives:
David Siegel, author of The Token Handbook, will lead a four-day Token Camp on the foundations of token economics, business models, governance, money supply, tax and regulation, whitepapers, monetary policy, ICOs, and the future of money. David is CEO and founder of the Pillar Project, and led the team to a successful and widely publicised ICO in July 2017, raising more than $20 million in ETH from 10k buyers.
Watch David’s introduction to tokenomics.
Blockchain will underpin most discussions, with introductory overviews, deep-dives into the tech, and case-studies of its application for all levels of expertise. Vinay Gupta, project manager from the original Ethereum team, will host talks on the ‘Internet of Agreements’ and ‘Blockchain and the Law’.
The Unconference is a foundation to meet and learn from those who have been through the ICO process, and connect with entrepreneurs who will launch in the future. Crypto insider, DataDash, will discuss the 2018 market and offer a guide to ICO purchasing. Lex Sokolin, director of Fintech Strategy at Autonomous, will lead masterclasses and discussion panels on 2018 crypto capital markets, ICOs, token investing, and crypto funds.
Developers will join a hackathon hosted by Radix, and a blockathon hosted by Pillar and Daniel Bar. There will also be a devcon’ track for blockchain and smart-contract developers to network, collaborate, and showcase their latest work.
This year’s Unconference will focus on e-commerce business owners who want to connect via an API to trade, and build tools, middleware, or infrastructure in the Pillar Wallet. David Siegel will also lead a week long workshop on business agility and macroeconomics.
Data Privacy and Pillar Community
Data ownership, and decentralised tech were the draws for many at the first Pillar Unconference in Poprad 2017, and will continue this year with a search for the skills, partnerships, and people who will grow the wallet into the Personal Data Locker. The Pillar team and community will be at the unconference, with the token-holders’ General Meeting closing the week of discussions.
Many leisure activities are available at the resort, including beer tasting, hot air balloon rides, water jet packs, spas, restaurants, and activities for children. Pillar pays for the venue, workshops, snacks, video broadcasts, and the closing party – attendees pay for their transport and accommodation.
To attend the Unconference, book a room here.
For questions, speaking and partner opportunities, or assistance with the booking, please email unconference@pillarproject.io.
About the Pillar Project
The Pillar Project, a non-profit foundation based in London, is building the next generation token and ICO wallet that will evolve to become a personal digital assistant. The
project promises to empower individuals through decentralised technology, and ownership of their personal data.
Read more: https://pillarproject.io