The minister told BNS the Pskov Oblast court’s decision is “another unlawful act breaching international law”.
“Unfortunately, it is becoming a very bad and sick tradition when courts execute political manipulations. We can also speak about Ukrainian pilot Savchenko’s case here. We condemn this decision and demand Kohver’s release so he could safely return to his homeland,” Linkevičius told BNS.
The Russian court found Kohver guilty of spying, trespassing of the Russian state border, illegal possession of a gun and its smuggling.
Estonian and EU institutions claim the Estonian officer was kidnapped by Russian secret services on September 5, 2014 from an Estonian territory near the Estonian-Russian border where he was investigating crimes related to border trespassing. The incident took place two days after US President Barack Obama’s visit to Tallinn.
Russia , on the other hand, says Kohver was detained in the Russian territory with cash, audio recording equipment and documents.
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