Lithuanian and Latvian governments hold meeting in Rokiškis

Laimdota Straujuma, Algirdas Butkevičius
DELFI / Kiril Čachovskij

“This is a great day in the relations between Latvia and Lithuania as it is the first time such a meeting takes place, and it offers great opportunity to further deepen the cooperation between Latvia and Lithuania, which already is very successful in a variety of areas,” said the Latvian premier.

The European Union is currently facing several serious challenges – the crisis in Ukraine, financial situation in Greece, migration problems, and help for Eastern Partnership countries, says Straujuma. It is important that Latvia and Lithuania share the same opinion about these matters, she believes.

The participants in the meeting will also discuss further Latvian-Lithuanian cross-border cooperation, energy matters in the region, and other issues.

Straujuma and seven Latvian government ministers are attending the Latvian-Lithuanian government meeting in Lithuania on Friday.

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