The army representatives briefed the heads of schools about the methods of propaganda and ways to recognize and resist it, the Education and Science Ministry said in a press release.
Pavalkis, in his turn, invited school principals to cooperate with Lithuanian institutions.
“Our education system provides good conditions for learning in the languages of ethnic minorities – we are among leading countries in this respect. A tenth of Lithuania’s schools of general education – this is over 100 – teach in an ethnic minority language. Nearly 60 of them instruct in Russian. We should work together to protect the schools from the intentions of ill-meaning countries and manipulations inside the country,” said the minister.
According to the press release, participants of the meeting emphasized the need for schools to stay alert when cooperating with schools or organizations of other countries and contact the ministries of Education and Science, Foreign Affairs and other relevant institutions in case of doubt.
15min.lt news portal reported last week that students of two Vilnius secondary schools were repeatedly taken to paramilitary camps in Russia.
Gediminas Grina, the head of the State Security Department, said “this is a problem of not just two schools”. He told journalists earlier this week that the students are being watched after returning from such camps.
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