The Seimas board delegated Sergej Ursul, the chairman of the Group for Interparliamentary Relations with the Republic of Moldova, the group’s member Petras Gražulis, Valentinas Bukauskas of the Seimas delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Linas Balsys, deputy chairman of the parliamentary European Affairs Committee. Emanuelis Zingeris, deputy head of the Seimas delegation at the Council of Europe‘s Parliamentary Assembly, should observe the elections as part of the PACE delegation.
The Moldovan parliamentary elections are scheduled for 30 November, with the results expected to have an impact upon the country’s Euro-integration process.
During the European Union (EU) summit in June, Moldova signed an association agreement with the EU. Moldova’s Communists oppose Euro-integration and want closer ties with Russia.
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