The president hailed consistent efforts of Lithuania and Canada to maintain security and economic cooperation, underlying that the two countries share the same position on regional security and foreign policy issues. According to the president, only rapid implementation of the Wales decisions will contribute to ensuring peace and security in the region and across Europe.
Among the other issues discussed at the meeting was Lithuania-Canada cooperation within the framework of NATO. The president thanked Canada for its support to the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence in acquiring innovative equipment which will be used by the Centre and Lithuanian Armed Forces. President Grybauskaitė noted that Lithuania was always ready to provide wide-ranging assistance for Canada’s air policing mission and other missions in our country.
Before his appointment as ambassador to Lithuania, Alain Hausser, lawyer, was deputy head of the Mission of Canada to the European Union in Brussels and permanent observer at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Earlier he served at Canada’s embassies in Israel, Germany, Brussels, the Netherlands, was director of the Western Europe Division and director of the European Union Division at Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ambassador resides in Latvia.
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