Lithuanians actively donate humanitarian aid to Ukraine

“People are coming non-stop and bringing items. We have collected a large amount of medication, we are now asking for more warm clothes and sleeping bags,” one of the volunteers at the collection points, Vytautas Budreika, told BNS.

Collected by public organizations, the items will be transported to Ukraine together with the humanitarian aid shipment provided by the Lithuanian government. It will be airlifted to Kiev on a transport airplane of Lithuania’s Air Force on Monday.

The Armed Forces have left room for two tons of items for the public organizations, however, Budreika said the donations already weigh more.

“People only bring one type of chocolate, the brand Pergalė [Victory],” said the volunteer.

Charity items can be brought by Friday evening to two locations in Vilnius: the headquarters of the Homeland Union–Lithuanian Christian Democrats at Stuokos-Gucevičiaus Str. 11 and the Democratic Policy Institute at Vašingtono Sq. 1.

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