His candidacy was given a green light by the parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday. In Kiev, Janukonis will replace Petras Vaitiekūnas who has finished his diplomatic career.
The candidate said heading the Embassy to Ukraine would be a challenge. “In a way, it is a challenge,” he told journalists after the committee’s meeting in comment of the turn in his career.
Asked about the message he will go to Kiev with, Janukonis emphasized the continuity of the work started by his predecessor. “We will continue giving various kinds of support to Ukraine, both economic and humanitarian. We must proceed with the policies that have been performed. The current policies were highly exhaustive, and we must continue the line, which has won us respect both in Ukraine and the European Union,” said the candidate for ambassador.
Janukonis will be officially appointed to the position after his designation gets approval from Ukraine and the Lithuanian president signs a decree.
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