A survey carried out by pollster Spinter Tyrimai showed that as many as 65 percent of the respondents fully trust or rather trust insurance companies, while 16 percent distrust them. The most frequent argument for confidence in insurance companies is that they cover losses and damages, as indicated by 25 percent of the respondents.
Forty-six percent of the polled fully trust or rather trust commercial banks, while 42 percent say they distrust or rather distrust them. Forty percent of the respondents trust the private pension funds, while 26 percent distrust them. A third of the respondents did not have an opinion about pension funds. Twenty-eight percent of the interviewed who trust pension funds do so because of assistance and income to be provided in the future.
Fifty-three percent of the polled completely distrust or rather distrust credit unions. One in four has said that frequent bankruptcies are the biggest reason for distrust. For 16 percent, the lack of information and, for 15 percent, frequent negative information are reasons to distrust credit unions. Only 16 percent of the surveyed people fully trust or rather trust credit unions.
Instant credit companies are completely distrusted or rather distrusted by 67 percent of the polled. Among these, 39 percent have said that high interest rates are the reason for distrust, whereas for 19 percent it was the fact that “many people, including young ones, become indebted”. Twelve percent distrust instant credit companies because they “issue loans without restrictions”. Only 8 percent of the respondents indicated their trust in instant credit companies, mostly due to prompt provision of services and relevancy of services.
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