“There are 260,000 displaced persons in Ukraine alone. They have been accommodated in hospitals, schools, parks, but this is merely temporary support. As we know, Ukraine’s economic situation is complicated and unemployment is high, therefore refugees cannot expect proper assistance. Brotherly, democratic countries always help each other in need. When the displaced persons were escaping from Lithuania (during the Second World War – ELTA), they were accepted by democratic countries – the United States, Canada, Australia. Similarly, in 1939 Lithuania took in approximately 13,000 Polish soldiers, and more recently refugees from Syria. Now it is our duty to help Ukrainians who sufferfrom war,” the MP said.
According to Masiulis, member of the conservative Homeland Union, several thousand refugees could be accommodated throughout Lithuania. At the moment, only 30 people from Ukraine have asked for asylum.
The MP says Lithuania is facing emigration and some employers say they cannot find workforce. Regional hospitals lack doctors, construction companies need builders, there is a shortage of IT specialists and shipbuilders. Such specialists could be given priority.
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