During their meeting, the Lithuanian head of state and the leader of the Lutheran Church discussed peacekeeping and humanitarian missions, human rights abuses, assistance of the faithful to the population of the world’s poorest regions, and fighting terrorism. The president underlined that the church’s role was very important not only in educating people, but also helping them in areas affected by conflict and war.
“The supreme goal of humankind is peace, and the main instrument to achieve it is humanness. Therefore, leaders and followers of all religions need to work together for promoting peace all over the world,” the president said.
According to the president, the commitment of Lithuanian Evangelical Lutherans to our country’s culture, education and national identity contributed to strengthening the foundations of our state. Among those belonging to this church was the author of the first printed Lithuanian book Martynas Mažvydas, Lithuanian philologist and theologian Liudvikas Rėza, pioneer of Lithuanian literature Kristijonas Donelaitis, prominent cultural figure Abraomas Kulvietis.
There are about 20,000 Evangelical Lutherans in Lithuania today.
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