It also means that Lithuanian residents who value our mission, which is to bring quality daily news in English to expats in Lithuania and Lithuanians living abroad, can support us by redirecting their income taxes to our organisation.
Here are the facts: – This will not cost you any extra money. Every fiscal year, the Lithuanian government allows Lithuanian residents to redirect 2% of their already-paid income taxes to one or more social institutions of their choosing. Any income taxes not redirected by residents in this way will be used at the government’s discretion.
– The Lithuania Tribune is a non-profit organisation and is eligible to receive these 2% contributions from Lithuania’s residents.
– To pledge 2% to the Lithuania Tribune, Lithuanian residents must fill out a FR0512 (version 2) form for the State Tax Inspectorate (click here to find the form). You can start this process through the Electronic Declaration Gateway (Lithuanian) at the STI. These forms must be filled out by May 2.
The forms will ask you for some information about us.
Please enter these numbers:
Gavėjo tipas: 2
Gavėjo identifikacinis numeris (kodas): 302767679
Mokesčio dalies paskirtis: VšĮ Baltoscandia Media
Simple, once you have made the donation, send us an email to and we will fix you a Private Subscription account for the year. It would be great if you could attach/include a screenshot of the actual donation, but if you cannot, don’t worry, we trust our readers.
We urge you to consider supporting our mission to provide the world with the latest news and views from and about Lithuania. We believe in the importance of what we do and we hope that you do too.
Sincerely, The Lithuania Tribune staff.
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