“We decided to consider (the Constitutional amendment) probably next Tuesday, not tomorrow, after the Seimas Legal Affairs Department states its opinion. We’ll see whether we get a sufficient number of voters in support or not,” Parliamentary Vice-Speaker Algirdas Sysas told the Žinių Radijas news radio on Wednesday morning.
In Lithuania, changing the Constitution requires votes of at least 94 of Lithuania’s 141 MPs. Constitutional amendment must be discussed and voted twice, with at least three months between both ballots.
This will be the second attempt to amend the country’s main law over Paksas.
Under the amendment drafted by a hundred Lithuanian MPs, “Persons who have committed a gross violation of the Constitution or breach of oath and who have been removed from office and lost their mandate by way of parliamentary impeachment cannot become members of the Seimas for 10 after the removal or loss of mandate.”
The current version of the Constitution suggests that any citizen of Lithuania eligible to run for parliament can also be a candidate for president.
Among those who supported the amendment are representatives of all political groups, except for the opposition conservatives.
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