While the average monthly salary in Lithuania is still the lowest of comparable countries like Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic, wages in the IT, banking, retail sales and human resources fields are now competitive.
A Grafton Recruitment study on the five countries shows that in the IT and telecommunications, banking and finance, sales, retail sales and marketing, human resource management salaries in Lithuania are at similar levels and in IT and telecommunications sectors, only executive salaries lag behind, according to the head of Grafton Recruitment Lietuva, Henrika Bivainienė.
Grafton Recruitment in Central and Eastern Europe regional manager Thibault Lefebvre said that in terms of the development of the business and wages, Lithuania was closest to the Czech Republic.
He said both countries were attractive to the business services sector due to a good supply number of competent professionals, with international companies regularly establishing IT service development centres there.
Some of the highest salaries from €3600 to €6500 are available in the human resource management field in Lithuania. Across the central European countries surveyed the lowest earning employees were administrators at €600 – €900 a month.
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