Seimas calls on PACE not to restore Russia’s rights

77 Lithuanian lawmakers on Thursday voted in favor of such a resolution, with no votes against and one abstention.

Introducing the document, MP Egidijus Vareikis, representing the ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union, said PACE restricted the rights of the Russian delegation following the 2014 annexation of Crimea, and Russian delegates were stripped of the rights to be appointed committee chairs, rapporteurs, vote during plenary sittings, elect judges to the European Court of Human Rights and some other European officials.

“And now, after four years, there’s an initiative to try and restore Russia’s all rights at PACE, doing this in a rather rough and strange way of amending some articles of the PACE statute,” he said.

The resolution expresses disappointment over Russia’s failure to meet its international obligations and attempts “to change the Council of Europe‘s rules, thus, lifting the sanctions it is subjected to.”

The document calls on PACE no to adopt the amendments to the rules and procedures, proposed by Russia and allowing member states to regain rights without implementing the Assembly’s decisions.

“The adoption of the Russian Federation’s proposals would set a bad precedent for other states not to meet commitments and would undermine trust in the Council of Europe as the protector of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which could spark a major authority crisis at this international organization,” the document reads.

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