Eastern Europe
Ukraine’s indispensable economic reforms
Economic reform is central for today’s Ukraine. The capacity of the Ukrainian nation—leadership and population together—to deliver a modern and efficient economy, if achieved, would constitute the winning asset in the West’s current struggle with Russia in Eastern Europe. […]
NATO considering sending extra 4,000 troops to Baltic States – US Defense Secretary
NATO is considering establishing a new rotational ground force in the Baltic States and Poland to deter possible Russian aggression, according to US Defense Secretary Ash Carter. […]
Germany ‘will send more troops to Lithuania to deter Russia’
Germany is to send more troops to Lithuania, the influential German news magazine Der Spiegel reports. “Due to requests from Eastern partners, NATO will send more troops to the border of Russia,” reports Der Spiegel, […]
Chinese entrepreneurs look for opportunities at Vilnius University
Entrepreneurs from China‘s Shenzhen city visited Vilnius University on Tuesday in search for new business opportunities in Lithuania. The Chinese entrepreneurs discussed possible cooperation in science and technology with University Rector Professor Artūras Žukauskas. The […]
Can Nord Stream 2 be stopped?
Nord Stream 2, the controversial Russian-German pipeline project, is generating fierce opposition in Central and Eastern Europe as well as from the European Parliament and the European Commission. But could the opponents of the pipeline, owned 50% by Gazprom and 50% by some of the largest Western European companies, stop the project? […]
Lithuania to give ‘yellow card’ to EC over truck drivers’ wages
Lithuania will join effort with other Central and Eastern EU states to block the Brussels initiative of equalling wages for posted workers, fearing it would deliver a blow to the country’s carriers. […]
No new NATO bases in Eastern Europe – US and German officials
The United States and Germany say that NATO will not build any new bases in countries like Poland. […]
The impact of Panama Papers in Eastern Europe – and rest of the world
On April 3, the Panama Papers hit media outlets around the world, and the fallout was swift. […]
Opinion: How the Kremlin infiltrated an EU referendum in the Netherlands
The student leaders of 1968 could probably not have imagined how their democratic ideas would be high-jacked by a combination of extremists and opponents of democracy exploiting technological progress and social media. Nobody understands the dangers of technology and social media better than dictators and demagogues. […]
US moving from talk to action – Lithuanian military expert
The United States decision to deploy an additional armoured brigade to Eastern Europe illustrates the change in US policy in the region and a move from talk to action, said Lithuanian military analyst Deividas Šlekys on Žinių Radijas. […]
US to deploy new armoured brigade to Eastern Europe
The United States will increase its military presence in Eastern Europe by deploying an additional armoured brigade in the area to deter Russian aggression. […]
West must separate issue of counter-terrorism and Eastern aggression when it comes to Russia – analysts
In the eyes of much of the West, Russia‘s image has changed from that of an aggressor to that of an important partner in the fight against terror, says Eastern Europe Studies Centre analyst Linas Kojala. […]