Dalia Grybauskaitė

Lithuanian president delivers State of the Nation address: The world is not a peaceful place

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė made her annual State of the Nation address at the Lithuanian parliament, Seimas, on Thursday. In her speech, the president mostly focused on national defence, security challenges stemming from Russia‘s aggressive policies, as well as emigration of working-age population. Grybauskaitė also stressed the need to work more on addressing social issues, particularly in childcare institutions. […]


EC recommendations for Lithuania: less tax on labour, more tax on wealth

Lithuania has received recommendations from the European Commission on the most pressing issues in the economy that need addressing. Disturbingly, over 30 percent of people in Lithuania face poverty risk, labour taxes are punishing, while levies on wealth – less detrimental to economic growth – are all but non-existent. Experts say the first steps would be introducing tax on real estate and cars. […]


Will Lithuania survive without EU structural funds?

This is the last financial period that Lithuania is entitled to billions of euros in support from the European Union‘s structural funds. After 2020, the cash flow from the EU coffers will decrease significantly and Lithuania will have to learn to do without the support that currently makes a sizable contribution to its economy. Some economists say that unless the country uses the current funding right, economic growth after 2020 might all but stop. Others are more optimistic, insisting that Lithuania’s economy is stable enough to sustain growth even without EU injections. […]

Ministry of Finance

Lithuania might have to revise its national budget, bank analyst says

Chief Analyst of DNB Bank, Indrė Genytė-Pikčienė, says there is a probability that the Lithuanian government will have to revise this year’s state budget revenue and expenditure targets. […]

European Union

Current EU Structural Funds programming period to be last for Lithuania, PM says

Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius says that the European Union Structural Funds programming period for 2014-2020 will most likely be the last one for Lithuania, therefore funds should be allocated to improve economic and business conditions in the country’s regions. […]


Lithuania’s economy grew more than estimated in 2014

“We are pleased that the revised GDP for 2014 compared to 2013 increased by 3 percent rather than by 2.9 percent as it was announced in the preliminary estimates. The higher growth was driven by the growth of the construction industry, also, the Government’s decisions regarding housing renovation under the new programme,” Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius said on Monday, referring to revised data from Statistics Lithuania. […]

No Picture

Danske Bank reduces Lithuania’s GDP growth estimate to 2.5 percent

According to the calculations carried out by Danske Bank, falling import in Russia will cost Lithuanian economy EUR 0.5 billion in nominal value in 2015, i.e. more than projected earlier. Therefore, Danske Bank has reduced Lithuania’s GDP growth estimate from 2.7 to 2.5 percent. In 2016 GDP growth should return to 3.1 percent, the latter estimate has not been changed. […]