
Bullying in Lithuanian schools: Gender sneers for girls, intelligence insults for boys
Bullying remains a pandemic problem in Lithuanian schools and can sometimes lead to tragic consequence, including suicide. The Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson‘s Office has conducted a survey among school students, a fifth of whom said they were bullied for one reason or another. […]

How do people in Vilnius react to two guys holding hands?
Two guys holding hands in Moscow and Kiev – participants of a recent social experiment aimed at testing Russians’ and Ukrainians’ attitudes towards gay people – have not been received kindly. DELFI has repeated the test in the capital of Lithuania. […]

Polish organizations in Lithuania under criticism for homophobic T-shirts
LGBT groups on Thursday expressed regret over the choice of Polish organizations in Lithuania to wear homophobic T-shirts with slogans Vilnius on Bicycles without Pedals (Wilno Na Rowerach Bez Pedalow) during their recent congress. […]

Opinion: Homophobia and the ambiguous problem of individual freedom
The recent sensation around the homophobic Facebook post written by the Lithuanian DJ “Ten Walls” (Marijus Adomaitis) has generated – as usual in these cases – a number of polarized reactions, but most of all has re-opened once again the Pandora’s vase of the admittedly-difficult relation that Lithuania has with homosexuality, especially in times like this, when (finally, if I may add) issues of same-sex marriage are being addressed. […]