Sign of a changing America   Photo Ludo Segers

A very good week for President Obama

On Friday morning whilst he was preparing the eulogy for the nine murdered black people in Charleston, South Carolina, United States President Barack Obama received the last piece of good news in a week that had plenty to celebrate for the White House administration. Shortly after the the Supreme Court announcing marriage equality, President Obama issued a statement. “It’s been a significant morning. It’s been a significant couple of days. And it’s certainly been a significant month.” […]

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Lithuania grapples with homophobia

Lithuania has recently started discussing its attitudes towards homosexuality, in what remains a novelty for a country ranked among the most homophobic in the EU. […]


Human Rights Watch criticizes Lithuanian justice minister’s stance on same-sex partnership

The Lithuanian justice minister’s blanket rejection of a gender neutral bill to allow civil partnerships contravenes European standards, Human Rights Watch said in a letter to Justice Minister Juozas Bernatonis released on Thursday. […]

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Opinion: Homophobia and the ambiguous problem of individual freedom

The recent sensation around the homophobic Facebook post written by the Lithuanian DJ “Ten Walls” (Marijus Adomaitis) has generated – as usual in these cases – a number of polarized reactions, but most of all has re-opened once again the Pandora’s vase of the admittedly-difficult relation that Lithuania has with homosexuality, especially in times like this, when (finally, if I may add) issues of same-sex marriage are being addressed. […]

Juozas Bernatonis

Lithuanian justice minister: Same-sex couples are more propaganda than reality

Lithuania’s Ministry of Justice has drafted a bill that, if passed, would introduce the institution of partnership into the country’s Civil Code. However, the bill spells out that the possibility to form partnerships would only apply to opposite-sex couples. According to Justice Minister Juozas Bernatonis, there is no need to legalize same-sex partnership because there are hardly any same-sex couples in Lithuania. […]

President Dalia Grybauskaitė interviewed by Gundars Reders. LTV screenshot

Lithuanian president snaps at Latvian journalist after being asked about gay rights and basketball

A Latvian journalist has felt the wrath of the Lithuanian president after asking several questions that “have not been agreed upon”. The president insistently, and rather gracelessly, refused to answer questions about gay rights in Lithuania, a supermarket roof collapse in Riga and basketball. […]


Lithuanian LGBT community to celebrate IDAHOT and Rainbow Days

From the 14th to the 20th of May, the National LGBT* Organization LGL is ready to lead off the dance for Rainbow Days and IDAHOT 2015 and proud to offer a wide agenda of political, social, cultural and artistic events in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. […]