Lithuanian Jewish Community

Controversial reactions to legalization of ritual slaughter of animals in Lithuania
The law legalizing ritual slaughter of livestock, which was passed by the Seimas, the Lithuanian parliament, has attracted controversy. While the local Jewish Community of Lithuania welcomed the law, animal rights activists said they will turn to the European Commission. […]

Lithuanian Jewish community handed out Bagel awards
The Jewish Community of Lithuania has presented special Bagel tolerance awards to individuals and organizations for promotion and spread of the Jewish culture. […]

Over 70 savers of Jews apply for freedom fighter status in Lithuania
Over 70 people who saved Jews during World War Two have applied to be granted the status of freedom fighters in Lithuania. They became eligible to such a status after new amendments came into force a month and a half ago. […]

Jewish community leader: Jews feel well in Lithuania
Jews of Lithuania do not feel discriminated and therefore will make no complaints to the visiting US Special Envoy of the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Ira Forman, says Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman of the Jewish Community of Lithuania. […]

Activists in Vilnius rally in support of Palestine
Activists held a pro-Palestine rally in central Vilnius Tuesday evening, highlighting the plot of ordinary people affected by the ongoing conflict. […]

Four strange stereotypes Lithuanians hold about Jews
The Global Anti-Semitism Index has revealed that 36 percent of adults in Lithuania hold anti-Semitic views. According to the survey, four out of 11 stereotypes about Jews covered by the index can be found in Lithuania. […]