Maidan Square 2014

The forgotten case of Ukraine

Something happened on the 5th of January. Between worries about Brexit matters, the usual Trump business and other terrible matters, something changed on that day. Two days before Christian Orthodox Christmas, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople signed the tomos of autocephaly for the newly created Orthodox Church of Ukraine. This was not only a step toward the independence of Ukrainian Orthodox believers, but all of Ukraine. […]


Lithuanian initiative: Western strategy towards Russia

Towards a Pro-European Russia and a Marshall Plan for Russia (after Putin) Lithuania is situated next to a complicated neighbourhood. Russia has been and will remain, for many years to come, the biggest threat to […]

Ukrainian Parliament

Foreign Policy and Michael Carpenter in detail about the Marshal Plan for Ukraine

As part of its article dedicated to the Marshal Plan for Ukraine, which was initiated by us, the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail cites an article by Michael Carpenter, Adviser to former US Vice President Joe Biden, where he praises our initiative. I was thus impelled to get a hold of the entire article by Carpenter. The article was published in the final issue of Foreign Policy, one of the most influential magazines worldwide and one that is most widely read by foreign policy experts. […]

Žygimantas Pavilionis

An idea for Russia – can Lithuania present it?

Recently we have been looking for an Idea for Lithuania. However often they are created in a vacuum where it appears that Lithuania does not live surrounded by various friendly or unfriendly neighbours which have various interests. Those ideas, however good, do not include geopolitics and international relations, upon which the development of our state greatly depends. […]

Andrius Kubilius

W. Europe needed a Marshall plan in 1947. In 2017 Marshall plan is needed for Ukraine

In 1947, following his return to Washington after the negotiations with Stalin and Molotov in Moscow, George Marshall, the famous US military leader and post-war Secretary of State, saw the need to promote economic recovery in Western Europe destroyed by war. This was seen as a stabilising factor and the only way to halt Stalin’s ambitions of expanding his political dominance to Western Europe. […]

Ukrainian flag in the Cathedral Sq. in Vilnius

Lithuanian lawmakers to go to US to rally support for Ukraine

A group of Lithuanian lawmakers will travel to the United States later this month to rally support for Ukraine, the daily Lietuvos Žinios reported on Thursday. […]