Algirdas Butkevičius

No progressive taxation in Lithuania, PM says

Lithuania will not introduce progressive taxation because there are too few high-earners, according to the country’s social democrat Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius. […]

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EU Commission: Lithuania’s budget at risk of exceeding deficit targets

The European Commission published its assessment of budgetary plans submitted to it by eurozone countries. Commenting on Lithuania’s 2016 national budget draft, the EC says it strays too much from fiscal discipline targets and that Lithuania might fail to keep structural deficit below 1 percent of GDP. Lithuania’s prime minister has responded that the government is not planning to revise the budget. […]

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Lithuania’s 2016 public spending on brink of violating fiscal rules

The National Audit Office criticised Lithuania’s national budget for 2016, saying it was based on excessively optimistic tax collection expectations. Minister of Finance Rimantas Šadžius has dismissed the remarks. […]

Remigijus Šimašius

Vilnius mayor says he reduced city’s debt by EUR 8.6m in 100 days

Liberal Remigijus Šimašius, who has been serving as the mayor of Vilnius for 100 days, says that he managed to reduce the city’s debt by 2.4 percent or EUR 8.6 million in the period from late April to early July. […]

Remigijus Šimašius

Vilnius mayor is looking for creditors outside Lithuania

Remigijus Šimašius, Mayor of Lithuania’s capital Vilnius, says that real financial changes will be visible in Vilnius after 2016. He intends to invoke foreign financial institutions to manage the city’s debts. […]