Kremlin, Moscow

World War III threat in 18 months: the Baltic States are the first target

Germany’s fears that Russia could start an all-out war are well-founded, according to a former commander of the United States military in Europe, who believes that Vladimir Putin will do the unthinkable if he suspects […]

Kremlin's web
Central/Eastern Europe

A Kingdom of crooked mirrors: law on evil’s secret service

One can be fined there for a poster, a badge on a bag, blue jeans, and a yellow sweater, for holding a blank sheet of paper, Orwell’s book, and for “no war” as a profile […]

Foreign affairs

Media performances called referendums on the occupied territories: Best Totalitarian practices

Almost unanimous support for the annexation of Crimea and occupied Ukrainian territories. The historical parallel is obvious: the Anschluss of Austria also tried to give legitimacy to wrongdoings through the will of the local population […]


Biden’s speech in Vilnius: “The Baltic Way, not the Berlin Wall, has become a symbol for the future of Europe”

Joe Biden, President of the United States, addresses the people of Lithuania in the courtyard of Vilnius University. He emphasised the Lithuanian struggle for freedom and the difficult road ahead, but the most important thing […]