The two officials discussed the situation of EU migrants after Britain’s Brexit vote and Johnson, who has Lithuanian ancestry, accepted Linkevičius’ invitation to visit Lithuania, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.
Johnson, who was campaigning for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, said during the meeting that the British voters’ decision must be respected and carried out. However, he added, it does not mean that the UK is leaving Europe. This was Johnson’s main message during his first EU Council meeting on Monday.
On his part, Linkevičius noted that Britain remains a partner of Lithuania in matters of security, defence, trade and others.
“I hope that our cooperation in these fields will be further strengthened. I am glad that I heard a willingness from the new UK minister to keep Lithuania as a partner and friend as close as possible,” Linkevičius said in a statement.
The two ministers also discussed the recent rice in attacks against EU migrants in Britain. Linkevičius said that Johnson had reassured him that hate crimes would be treated seriously and that migrants from Lithuania and other countries were an important and respected part of the UK society.
Johnson’s great grandfather comes from Lithuania, therefore the UK’s foreign secretary gladly accepted Linkevičius’ invitation to visit Lithuania, the MFA says.
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