Open Kitchen Vilnius season opener – 5/13, 11:30 – 22:00
This annual Vilnius street food fair will open this Friday with a collection of delicious lunch options from street vendors and well-known restaurants alike. If you miss the opening day, don’t worry – barring bad weather, it’ll be there every Friday until Autumn comes.
For more information, click here (Lithuanian).
Eivør Pálsdóttir at the Church of St. Catherine – 5/15, 19:00
Eivør, a musician hailing from the Faroe islands, weaves the Faroese, Icelandic and English languages with folk music themes and electronic to deliver an unforgettable sound – which will be all the better for her performance inside the Church of St. Catherine.
For more information, click here.
Benjamin Clementine at Compensa Music Hall – 5/13, 20:00
Award-winning poet, songwriter, and former homeless busker Benjamin Clementine will be performing his soulful and eccentric solo music at Compensa music hall in Vilnius. His music has been praised by greats like Paul McCartney, Bjork and David Byrne.
For more information, click here (Lithuanian/English).
Volunteer Neris cleanup with kayaks – 5/14, 10:00 – 15:00
On Saturday, up to 60 volunteers will be given kayaks to pick up trash along a stretch of the Neris river, with an emphasis on trash that can’t be reached from shore. Volunteers will be provided with kayaks and equipment, and will be treated to tea and snacks after the trash has been collected.
For more information, click here (Lithuanian).
Bicycle hike through Dubysos Regional Park – 5/14, 10:00 – 18:00
Visitors are invited to a bicycle hike through Dubysos Regional Park, which is about an hour (~80km) from Kaunas. The route will feature offroad sections, river crossings, flowering hills, a restored partisan bunker, and home-made kugelis for participants at the finish.
For more information, click here (Lithuanian).
Cygne at the Theatre Club – 5/15, 19:00
Cygne, an acoustic singer and songwriter known for her emotional and warm performances, will be performing at the Theatre Club in Kaunas.
For more information, click here.
GODOS dance performance at the Kaunas Dance Theatre – 5/13, 18:00
This two-part contemporary dance performance, choreographed by Lithuanian and Norwegian choreographers, will involved dancers from all over the world.
For more information, click here.
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