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EC to give €53 million to foster growth across Lithuanian-Polish border

On Wednesday, the European Commission adopted the new cross-border cooperation programme INTERREG V-A Lithuania – Poland, whose total budget is €62 million, of which more than €53 million will be provided from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). […]


Opinion: Stress-testing welfare states

I would like to present an innovative way of seeing how the welfare state can mitigate wide-spread socio-economic risks and measure individual vulnerability to poverty. This will help address the issue of whether we are living in a society of risk and anxiety or whether the welfare state, with its social protection system, can mitigate these risks and safeguard people from falling into poverty. […]

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Lithuanian government wants 40 percent of export production based in regions

The Lithuanian Government and business promotion organizations want to achieve the goal of producing 40 percent of the country’s export production in the regions by the end of this decade. Around two fifths of new businesses are sought to be established in Lithuania’s regions. […]


Lithuania moves up in UN Human Development Report

Lithuania has moved up in the recently released United Nations’ Human Development Report which measures improvements in health and longevity, income and education, and personal security. […]