Mykolas Riomeris University ( V. Gelumbausko nuotr.)

Seimas okays plan to cut university numbers by half

The Lithuanian parliament on Thursday endorsed a state university network optimization plan that calls for leaving less than half of the country’s current 14 universities. The Seimas passed the resolution in a vote of 77 to 6 with 31 abstentions. […]

Jurgis Razma

Lithuania’s conservatives suggest abolishing secret voting in parliament

Jurgis Razma, a member of the opposition Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, has proposed abolishing secret voting in the Seimas of Lithuania, except for secret votes of non-confidence provided for by the Constitution. […]

Jurgis Razma

Conservative veteran Jurgis Razma: “Political windfall might prove too heavy for Gabrielius Landsbergis”

Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuanian conservatives’ 33-year-old star and very likely future chairman, has perhaps just made his first major gaffe. His flip-flop on the issue of (dis)continuing in the European Parliament seat in case he gets elected to chair his party, the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, has drawn some irk from Jurgis Razma, one of the light-weight contenders in the race. […]