Dalia Grybauskaitė
Foreign affairs

Lithuania doesn’t accept demands to buy friendship – Grybauskaite on Sikorski remarks

Lithuania’s cooperation with Poland should be equal, and the instructions or demands to buy friendship are unacceptable, Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė said on Tuesday. […]

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How Lithuania can irritate Russia into retreat

Lithuania is in a perfect position to irritate Russia enough to force Moscow out its current misinformation offensive into the defensive, says J. Michael Waller, an American expert on information warfare. In an interview with DELFI, he shares some tips how even a country as small as Lithuania could push Russia’s buttons. […]

Grzegorz Schetyna

Poland’s new foreign minister puzzles policymakers in Vilnius

Lithuanian politicians are hoping that the change in leadership of neighbouring Poland’s diplomatic corps will have a positive impact on bilateral relations. Meanwhile political analysts predict that Poland’s president will assume more leadership in the country’s foreign policy. […]