Agnė Širinskienė, Ramūnas Karbauskis

Government to discuss contracts of joint operations for cohabitants

Lithuania’s government will Wednesday discuss the possibility for persons living in cohabitation to regulate their relationship by contracts of joint operations. […]

Baltic Pride march in Vilnius

11% support same-sex partnership in Lithuania

Some 11 percent of Lithuanian residents support registration of same-sex partnerships, while 7 percent of those polled support the possibility for homosexuals to enter into marriage, shows a poll. […]

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Conservative leader comes out in support of gay partnership

Winds of tolerance and human rights appear to be blowing in the run up to the Seimas elections. A highlight of a Tuesday discussion at the Loftas venue, organised by the initiative “Žinau, ką renku” (I know who I’m voting for), was Seimas candidate responses to the question of LGBT rights, with the conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis delivering the biggest surprise with his statement in support of same-sex partnership, something his party has vehemently opposed. […]

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Lithuanian government greenlights introducing opposite-sex partnership

Lithuania’s government on Thursday gave approval to the changes proposed by the Justice Ministry to the Civil Code which would legalize civil partnership of opposite-sex couples. […]


Lithuanian parliament rejects civil partnership law

The Lithuanian parliament, Seimas, rejected the bill that would have introduced the institution of partnership of opposite sex couples. The Ministry of Justice, which drafted the law, says the proposed legislation merely acknowledges the existing forms of cohabitation, while the opponents insist that civil partnership is an encroachment on the institution of marriage and is just one step away from legalizing same-sex partnership. […]

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24 percent of Lithuanians approve same-sex marriage

Every fourth Lithuanian thinks that same-sex marriage should be legalized throughout the European Union, according to a Eurobarometer survey. This is well below the EU average, BNS reports. […]